Robyn Cerutti
Robyn came to the company with more than 20 years in finance and accounting. After college, she worked at KPMG in Silicon Valley where she became a CPA. From there she worked primarily in senior finance positions for public technology companies. Her tenure in technology, both at KPMG and after, allowed her insight into how technology would change the way we do business. With this insight, she had the vision to move the company into cloud computing in 2004 – well ahead of the industry. In 2006 and with her experience in M&A, she spearheaded the sale of EPD’s retail division, Paver Depot. Today her role is leading the company and growing Randy’s initial vision, which resulted in EPD being named the 25th Fastest Growing Private Company in Silicon Valley in 2014.
Biggest Accomplishment: Changing the corporate culture at EPD. Corporate culture is everything – it influences the quality of our service as well as enriches our employees lives. We’ve had comments that our company inside looks like a cool tech start up. I love that energy!
Favorite Quote: “Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher.” – Oprah Winfrey
Bachelor’s Degree in Business (Accounting); Certified Public Accountant (not active)
In the industry since 2003; At EPD since 2003