Stephanie Hudson

Service Account Executive

Stephanie is responsible for developing and leading the team that delivers our Maintenance, Repair and Restoration (“MRR”) Services. Stephanie’s expertise is in identifying customers’ needs and delivering offerings that address them. She is not new to establishing and growing business in new markets. She has vast sales and marketing experience from start-up to publicly-held; from high tech to construction. She is perfect for this role, working with her team to constantly optimize the effectiveness of the MRR Department. Of course, it’s also her ‘can do’ attitude along with her willingness to follow through with quality that makes her invaluable at EPD. That, and her singing in the hallways!

What Are You Most Proud Of? Bringing industry professionals, product designers, and infrastructure managers together to solve a client’s problem and launch a series of new products.

Best Job Satisfaction: Supporting the highly skilled craftsmen at European Paving Designs who year after year deliver amazing work!

Biggest Lesson Learned: You can find beauty everywhere, you just have to take time to look. In our hectic lives, and certainly here at European Paving Designs, we are always busy, we need take time to connect to the world around us.

ICPI Installer Course Completion Certification

In the industry since 2015 (and previously 2004-2005); At EPD since 2015 (and previously 2004-2005)