Partnering for Success
“Accept the challenges so you can know the exhilaration of victory.”
– George S. Patton
Let’s face it, victory is measured in many ways in construction but challenging to achieve. For a contractor, there is victory in winning the project award; delivering the project on time; meeting customer quality expectations; being agile when challenges arise (and they do); and making a profit to invest in the next project award. When you add regulatory requirements, it is all the more challenging. But victory is ours when delivering communities that enrich our lives every day. That is why we all do what we do.
At EPD we are not only here to help you meet challenges, we anticipate your needs in order to remove roadblocks that may threaten victory. We do this by striving to be the best subcontractor to work with. We focus on craft, safety, best practices, and sustainable performance. We prove this with the largest number of ICPI installers in the nation and over 40 years of industry experience in which we have cultivated quality relationships with key architects, contractors and manufacturers, not to mention a vast portfolio of proven victories.